January 30th, 2013, Today we went the local circus! I must say this was one of my most exciting days I have ever had! We go in to sit down in the bleachers and wait for the show to start and I'm sitting there just drinking in all the sights to see, there was a clown with a blue parrot weaving about the crowds taking pictures with some of the guests, there were clowns, maidens, people selling food and little glow sticks, and the inside roof of the tent was a dark blue with stars all over it. The props on the middle stage made us wildly curious as to what kind of acts they would be doing that night.
The music began to sound as the start of the show (which was live with a drummer, saxaphone, trumpet, bass, cello and keyboard up in a windowed room above the stage) and the giant, decorative, star-shaped sheet began to lift off of the stage and up to the top of the tent. The show began with some dancing maidens and a few clowns running around the stage, and as boring as that sounds, it was more beautiful than anything you could immagine! To make it even more mind-blowing, they brought in a man wearing a suit and tie, and a woman wearing a white dress. The would dance around the stage to music and put up a little curtain and quickly take it off and they would be wearing something different! An instant wardrobe change! After this act, a man came out with little ponies of all different colors and they would circle the ring (stage) and spin around and rear and all that, Then he lead the ponies back behind the stage and brought out 7 zebras and 7 camels that would circle around the ring and spin and do just about the same things that the ponies would do (except that the camels can't rear). Then the zebras would disappear behind the stage and the camels were motioned to lay down. When all lie down, a single, brown llamma came trotting out and started jumping between the camel's humps!
After a few side shows like clown acts and the like, there was a 15 minute intermission and they anounced that you could pay to come behind stage and see the white tigers and white lions they had. We stayed in our seats and waited the 15 minutes, And the lights darkened and the show began again. When the lights lit the ring again, there was a type of figure that had a hamster wheel the size that would fit a man in it on one end, and on the other end there was a smaller one. This was all very large and in mid air, held up by many cords and cables. A man was inside the big hamster wheel (which it was just a wheel with no sides and no way to spin) and the metal shape began to spin around faster and faster, and the man remained in the wheel walking and quickening his pace to a run inside the wheel. After a while of this, he leaped to the outside of the wheel and started walking on the outside of the wheel. After a while of this, there came a drum-roll and a man nearby the stage announced that he would do a front-flip while on the outside of the spinning shape. He succeeded in doing this as the shape began spinning faster and faster and he did a couple more of these, the crowd was wild in excitement and he was encouraging them to cheer "Bravo! Bravo!" (this they did after every big act).
In another act, a man brought out a white tiger (after dimming the lights to put up a a chain-link fence) and the tiger grazed the fence walking around the ring to show the crowds. Then another white tiger came out, and then another, and then an orange one, and another until there were nine tigers in all sitting on stools all around the ring. The first white tiger that had come out, (who was the smallest and the purest white with stripes that you could just barely see, which we later figured he was the newest to the circus because of his friskiness and the amount of tricks they had him do) was laying on his seat as lazy as possible with his front paws drooping off each side of the seat like he was hugging it. The trainer looked at the tiger, smiled and laughed, and the crowd laughed with him as he tried to get him to sit back up straight with his training stick, but the tiger bit and swatted at the stick and lie back down just as lazy as before.
After a few little tricks with the tigers to show their beauty, all but 2 lazy, old Bengal tigers left the ring. The trainer brought in a motorcycle with a sidecar (but it was only a flat platform) and a platform on the back of the bike. He drove it around the ring and brought it beside the tigers and tried to coax one to jump aboard the back of the bike (which this took quite a while. My brother and I felt that the trainer shouldn't be too upset about the tiger's disobedience because it is already almost impossible to train a house cat), and finally he reluctantly hopped on the back of the bike, then the other tiger almost instantly jumped onto the side-car, and the trainer drove around the ring and finally let the tigers back behind the stage.
The lights dimmed, and we could no longer see the stage so well as a few people came out to take out the props and put in new ones. When the lights came back on, The trainer was there with a big white lion, walking down the middle of the ring and stepping onto an elevated platform. The crowd cheered as both beast and man rubbed eachother's face up against eachother affectionately. Then a disco-ball with a platform on the top lowered down to the ground and the trainer and the lion walked behind it and the lion jumped onto the platform and the trainer followed, hugging and rubbing the lion from behind as the lights went out and the disco-ball shown it's light all over the tent like a thousand lightning bugs flying around. The lion and the man spun on the top of the disco-ball and sat soundly and proudly.
The finishing act was a woman dressed up like a butterfly spinning and flipping around in the air, and then she alighted to the top of the tent and watched over all as the flying trapesists did their thing, swinging and flipping and spinning all about.
Then the circus show ended that night with all of the circus people coming out and dancing around the stage and bowing and singing. What a magical night indeed! This was my first time to the circus ever, and I think it made a great impression! I will most deffinately be going again someday.
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