Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Today we visited a place in Naples called Christmas Alley (yay!!). Of course, there
  were lot's of little shops that sold Christmas things like manger scenes, Santa clause key-chains, wreaths, decorations and ornaments, but also there were decorations and lights in the alley-ways like Christmas lights strung from building to building. Sadly we visited in the day time so we didn't get to see them lit, but they still lifted our spirits high ;). The prices were often very cheap, so we ended up doing quite a bit of shopping (mostly me). I got a few Christmas gifts for my best buddies at home in America ( which I just now figured out that I can't get them to them until after Christmas :/ ), but I also got a whole outfit and some Christmas lights for myself. These are just a few of the things we saw on our journey in Christmas Alley.----

 Lot's of Christmas decorations everywhere!
 A mini Obama statue! We should have bought it just for fun ;)
An awesome city market scene hand-made in a shop that's full of them!

 There are also stores where you can buy supplies to create your own little scene, this was my favorite. A mini cello (that's probably playable) that looks so real!
 They also sold mini, fancy cases for the instruments.

 This was the largest scene we have seen so far! It is a little taller than my full extended arm (not including the table holding it up) and as long as our big white couches at the house! wow! It has also VERY intricate designs and details you wouldn't believe.
 One of the beautiful scenes of an old, snowy house, this is one of my favorites.
 This the collection of statues that were featured outside of the shop, if you look very closely at it, you will see lots of famous people in famous poses and trademarks.
 Sorry, we're OPEN! What does it mean???
This was a sign that I spotted in a shoe
store on our way back to the train station.
This is the other side of the sign, the one pointing in our direction. The store was wide open for visitors, but the sign says it's closed, but that we should come in... we weren't quite sure what to do.
There were tons of little statues of famous people at a store we found, including Steve Jobs with a giant Ipad in his hands ;)

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